New Year, Same Old

It’s a bullet sort of post, because I like that sort of thing.

To Read

  1. The Grace of Kings, by Ken Liu (currently reading)
  2. The Way of Kings, and the whole of the Stormlight Archives series, by Brandon Sanderson,
  3. Prince Lestat, and catch up on the rest of the the Vampire Chronicles, by Anne Rice
  4. Sword of Destiny, and the rest of the Witcher series, by Andrej Sapkowski
  5. Six of Crows, by Leigh Bardugo
  6. The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova
  7. Middlemarch, by George Eliot
  8. Vanity Fair, by William Makepeace Thackeray
  9. Bleak House, by Charles Dickens
  10. Finish Bernard Cornwell’s Saxon Stories (4 down, 6 more to go. And have you seen the Netflix series of this? It was amazing!)

To Write

  1. Finish the current nanowrimo “novella” rewrites and edit.
  2. Start novella #3 of my novella series. There isn’t a title for them, but they are of the vampire paranormal urban fantasy persuasion. Two novellas down, and I still have 2017-01-05yet to even get to begin the story I want to write. Backstory, much? This is more of an enjoyment piece for me, rather than something serious. Honing the craft, as it were.
  3. Restart one of my fantasy WIPs. I’m leaning toward the epic one, but it’s such a big endeavor, and I confess that the scope of it is intimidating me. I have yet to complete worldbuilding, let alone the plot is still being reworked. I began this story about ten years ago, and have currently settled into this “form” of it for seven years now. Actually, I created the digital worldbuilding “notebook” for it exactly six years ago…to the day! So weird! Obviously, I haven’t worked on it in a while… -.-


  1. …Playing catch up to all the blogs and all the reading. I’d really like to have some sort of blogging schedule, but I’m plagued by not having the content. It’s so much easier to gripe and complain (which I do elsewhere) and then read everyone else’s blog, than to come up with something original.
    But I will work on it.
  2. I’m finally participating in Bethany Jenning’s #WIPjoy this month! I nearly forgot until I saw the hashtags all over my twitter list of Awesome Writers. I’ve also joined in JM Sullivan’s #authorconfessions this month as well. So if you’d like, join me over on Twitter! It’s never too late to catch up and participate in the fun! At the end of the month, I’ll post up all the answers from the hashtags here.
  3. …And lastly, I’m waiting for inspiration to strike. And for someone to do the dishes.



9 responses to “New Year, Same Old

  1. I’m hoping to catch up on #WIPjoy tonight. I’m usually off the computer / away from social media on Monday nights for yoga class, so after tonight’s writing I’ll make sure to check out your Day 9 and 10 answers. 😉

    Six of Crows!! I love Leigh Bardugo’s books, so I hope you enjoy that one. And I need to put Elantris in my (literal) TBR pile at home the next time I need to add a book to it.

    As far as my upcoming reads… I’m going to start Garth Nix’s Lirael once I finish my current spirituality / inspiration read. After that… I don’t remember the exact order, but I’ve got Rae Carson’s The Girl of Fire and Thorns, V.E. Schwab’s A Gathering of Shadows, Brian Staveley’s The Emperor’s Blades, a couple Tamora Pierce books, N.K. Jemisin’s Kingdom of the Gods… and that’s not counting brand new books (once they’re released) and possible library rentals. XD :S

    Good luck with your writing projects! I know the feeling about returning to a writing project you haven’t touched for a long time… and it can be intimidating. Maybe the novellas might be better choices, since they’re more fresh in your mind?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Definitely looking forward to your thoughts on those books! Kingdom of the Gods looks fun, and Gathering of Shadows is an excellent read.

      For now, yes, I’m going to focus on my novellas. I really can’t work on more than one project at a time, and of late, I’ve been forcing myself to finish one project before I go to another one — because way too many have gone unfinished.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: This Is My Genre, Now Tell Me Yours (A Book Tag) | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog·

    • I need to finish the Mistborn series as well! In fact, I probably ought to do that before I dive into his Stormlight Archives. Fortunately, his stories are so well written that they are relatively “quick” reads. As quick as 600 pages can be, anyway! How far along are you in the Mistborn series?

      Liked by 1 person

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